Executive Board: Gary Pullis, Jessica Pullis, Amanda Truin, Cathy McNulty, Adam Ruff, Jim Ulrich, Romilly Robertson
Advisory Board: Mary Donnelly, Barb Krongold, River Pullis, Annie McNulty, Carol Towers, Wendy Stafford
Last meeting’s minutes unanimously accepted
:star2: Add Wendy to Slack channel
Jessica contacted Advisory Board nominees:
Matt Vavalle declined Jana Kucera accepted
Julia Mahar accepted Carolyn Amory will be contacted before the next meeting
Laura Kensley has yet to answer
Cathy contacted Advisory Board nominees:
Wendy Stafford accepted
Lauren Anderson (Raya’s mother) would like more information
Cathy is waiting for a reply from Tina from the Community Foundation of South Central New York
:star2: Mary will contact Eirich Kunz
Mary contacted the Bundy Museum
They are having a big event on December 2nd
They will keep us in mind for helping performing groups in that space
:star2: Mary will get us on the books at the Bundy for a show
:star2: Gary will post past meeting minutes to the Summer Savoyard website
:star2: Gary will contact Chris at the Anderson Center
:star2: Gary and Jim will look into using Wix
River will make a generic swap ad before the next meeting
Financial report:
Net loss ~$1,513
:star2: Send Katie (rehearsal accompanist) an update on the donor letter
:star2: Cathy and Jim are working on Savoyard taxes and will have an update by next meeting
Motion for Princess Ida to be our 2024 summer show:
Unanimously for
Amanda and Romilly have formed a community outreach team
:star2: Romilly and Amanda will look into getting Savoyard events into newsletters at senior center/nursing homes/libraries/etc.
Mail call:
Received a letter from Binghamton Community Orchestra thanking us for our swap ad which included six tickets for concerts happening this year
Off season show possibility: Dion Boucicault’s London Assurance
A decision will be made after screening
Motion for Mary to borrow a set piece (big throne) for about a month. In return, SUNY Broome will put an acknowledgement to the Savoyards in their production’s program
Unanimously for
:star2: Cathy will compile a list of people on the Summer Savoyard Facebook page who have preapproval and admin. access
Only current board members will have preapproval and admin. access going forward
:star2: Barb will check prices for printing posters and programs
Advisory board president will be voted for in the Advisory Board Slack channel
:star2: Action Item Summary:
Get Wendy added to the Slack channel
Send donor letter update to Katie
Mary Will contact Eirick Kunz
Mary will get us on books at the Bundy for a show
Gary will post meeting minutes to Savoyard website
Gary will contact Chris at the Anderson Center
Gary and Jim will look into using Wix
Cathy and Jim will have update on Savoyard taxes by next meeting
Cathy will compile a list off all Savoyard Facebook page members with preapproval or admin. access
Barb will check prices for printing programs and posters
Romilly and Amanda will look into community outreach
Next meeting will be held 2023-11-27 at 6:30 PM at an individual’s residence